Open letter
- Муаллиф: Шайх Муҳаммад Содиқ Муҳаммад Юсуф
- Тури: Электрон китоб
- Нашр санаси: 2017 й.
- Ҳажми: : 240 бет.
- ISBN: :
- Сотилган: : 553713 та
Шайх Муҳаммад Содиқ Муҳаммад Юсуф ҳазратларининг «Очиқ хат» деб номланган китоблари инглиз тилидаги электрон нашри
- Contents
- Introduction
- Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq Muhammad Yusuf
- Extract from the speech of the author at presentation of the book «the open letter»
- Deplorable situation
- Islam is the religion of peace
- Reports about terror
- The history of terror
- Adverse consequences of the one-sidedness
- Attempts to correct the errors
- Fiqh al-istita’a
- Islamic shari’ah has given to people the easeness, not the difficulty
- Ability of a person as precondition to fulfill shari’ah obligations
- The supreme example and the reality
- Amru bil-ma’ruf and nah’yi ‘anil-munkar also conducted depending on capabilities
- The deeds should be performed with due account of possible consequences
- Preference is given to what is easier
- Haste is harmful illness
- Moderation is the most important quality
- At appropriate approach the peace treaty is also the great achievement
- Fiqh al-istita’a and the rules of fiqh
- Rules on elimination of a harm
- About tolerance to the shortcomings
- Conclusions
- The open letter
- Conclusion
- List of signatories
- Executive summary
- The history’s open message to muslims
- Has the history ever witnessed such unpleasant events in the past?
- In lieu of the epilogue